The information provided on this website is offered as general and helpful to parents and caregivers of young children ages 0-age 8. It is not intended to replace clinical advice or provide comprehensive information or strategies to address every situation that could arise in parenting young children.
The Greatest Eight provides evidence-informed strategies and practical skill building tips for parents and caregivers to use in their everyday interactions with their children. It supports the development of strong nurturing relationships with children and seeks to build a foundation for positive mental health and well-being. Strategies and activities suggested are supported by a growing body of research that stresses the importance of relationships and social emotional learning. Various factors may impact whether particular activities and strategies are effective with a particular child.
Children who display concerning behaviors (to either themselves or others) should be referred to a qualified behavioral health professional for assessment and intervention, recognizing that the earlier symptoms can be addressed the better the trajectory for improvement. Parents with children currently under the care of a mental health professional should discuss The Greatest 8 skills with their provider.
To the best of our ability, we strive to maintain timely, relevant and accurate information on this website, as a means of supporting parents/caregivers and their young children. However, we cannot guarantee that there may be errors or omissions. While we attempt to provide the best information available, we cannot be responsible for the content or accuracy of other websites linked to referenced from this website.