Teaching Children Aged 1-2 About:

Conflict Management & Resolution

Click through the different topics below to learn the different ways you can help your 1-2 year old resolve conflicts!

Helping your child build empathy

Your toddler understands more than you realize!

You can begin to teach them empathy by demonstrating warmth and kindness in your relationships. Shower your little one with love and affection. How you respond to your child builds the framework for their growing understanding of others’ behavior.

You are your child’s biggest influence.

They are watching the way that you interact with your partner, your friends, and even the bus driver. Teach by example – even if the situation is imperfect or challenging.

  • Your children understand more and more of your words, your tone of voice and your body language. Model the types of behavior that you want to see from your child.

Even when you’re juggling dinner, baths, and laundry, try to respond consistently to your child when they are uncomfortable or upset.  Parents are all just doing their best to comfort and care for their children; even the most attentive and understanding parents can’t always stop their child from feeling stress and discomfort.

  • Communicate love to your child through cuddles and kisses and even the passing wink. Dance to music, read stories, and chase them around the house.  

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