Teaching Children Aged 6-8 About:

Communication Skills

Click through the different topics below to learn the different ways you can help your 6-8 year old communicate more efficiently!

Games, games, and more games!

Have a staring contest!

  • Games that involve eye contact (even intense eye contact) can promote increased attention and engagement with others; it’s an important part of nonverbal communication.


  • Write down different types of people, places, things, or feelings. Take turns acting them out. Use your nonverbal strategies to help your partner figure out what your paper says. This type of activity promotes nonverbal communication through exaggerated facial expressions and body movements.

Finish the story

  • Start a story and take turns adding details until you come up with a creative ending together!


  • With a group of at least 4-5 people, one person whispers a message to the person next to them. That message gets passed from person to person. Once everyone has heard the message, the last person reveals what was said. It can be very funny to hear how the message changes from start to finish.

20 Questions

  • Ask your child to guess the person, place, or thing you’re thinking of. Your child gets 20 questions to help them figure it out. Be sure to use language that is age-appropriate!

Sound Tennis

  • Start with a letter and then take turns saying new words that begin with the letter until someone can’t think of a new word. Then, the winner chooses a new letter.

Create Stories with Toys

  • Play with the dolls, action figures, legos, cars, and other toys that your child has and create stories together. This type of activity teaches children how to play with others.

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