Teaching Children Aged 0-1 About:

Diversity Awareness & Respect

Click through the different topics below to learn the different ways you can help your 0-1 year old embrace diversity!

Helping your child understand and respect others’ differences

Babies can recognize differences, so teach them that being different is no biggie. Appreciating differences will help your child form healthy relationships, teach them to celebrate all people, and encourage kindness and respect. 

Children put people, places, and things into categories…

They do this to help them understand the world a little better. Children lump people together based on what is visible, like gender, race, or age. While this can be useful (and developmentally appropriate), it is important to model that different doesn’t mean “bad.”

  • Even though your children may not be able to say much, talk with them about what they see and feel.
  • Explain to your baby that people come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.
  • Be aware of your own stereotypes (race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or anything else) and your assumptions about the world around you.

Challenge stereotypes!

Let your child explore activities that get aimed at the opposite gender. Try to provide toys and play opportunties that go against gender stereotypes.

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