Teaching Children Aged 1-2 About:

Diversity Awareness & Respect

Click through the different topics below to learn the different ways you can help your 1-2 year old embrace diversity!

I’m a big kid now!

Your toddler may still be your “baby”, but they are getting bigger and more capable every day.  Encourage independence – give them little jobs to build confidence, self-respect, and independence.  

When trying new skills, children learn through trial and error!  

  • Allow your children to try eating with utensils.  Even though there will invariably be a mess that follows, children feel incredible pride when they finally get their food to stay on their spoon and into their mouths!
  • Resist the urge to take over when your children attempt to get dressed themselves.  Provide a little guidance when they get stuck or frustrated, but let them work through finding the arm-holes or pulling their shorts up over their diapers. 
  • Sometimes children are just as surprised when they can do things as you are!
    • Let your child experiment with climbing up onto the couch or sliding off the bed.  Provide some “spotting” to ensure that they don’t fall or get hurt, but give them a little space to flex those muscles!
    • Squeeze a little soap onto their hand in the bathtub and ask them to help you wash their body, or try asking them to rub a little lotion onto their legs after their bath.
    • Give your child a children’s toothbrush and let them chew on it to “brush” their teeth.  Then you can “double check” that there is no food left in their teeth!

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