Teaching Children Aged 0-1 About:

Balancing Emotions

Click through the different topics below to learn the different ways you can help your 0-1 year old regulate their emotions!

You’re a model, too!

Whether it’s a funny face or a simple noise, your baby loves to mimic you. While doing your daily routine, you are setting great examples of how to express and deal with different emotions. Even though you may not realize it, your baby is always watching.

Try to stay mindful of your own emotions and how they might affect your child. All the stress and frustration you feel after a bad day may influence your child’s feelings and reactions to you. So take care of yourself by modeling effective emotion regulation skills when handling difficult feelings! Call a friend to catch up or close your eyes for a few minutes. Your self-care can be good for your child too!

Babies can be stressful, no doubt about it!

It’s important to take care of yourself too. Remember to pay attention to how you’re feeling. Your baby will pick up on your emotions and behaviors. Parents are allowed to make mistakes and feel frazzled. Recognizing when you need a quiet moment shows your baby that it’s okay to take a break when you need it.

  • When you are feeling overwhelmed, ask for help.
  • It’s okay to ask a friend or close relative for support.
  • Take the time you need to work through tough situations.


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