Teaching Children Aged 3-5 About:

Problem Solving

Click through the different topics below to learn the different ways you can help your 3-5 year old learn problem solving skills!

Modeling Effective Problem Solving Skills

Let your own problem-solving strategies be examples for your children.

  • Provide your child with an example of how to manage unexpected events and involve them by asking them to suggest their own solutions!
  • Acknowledge when situations don’t go as planned. It is reassuring for kids to realize that adults make mistakes too!
  • Think about how you solve your own problems. Model your thought process by saying your thoughts outloud and keep a positive attitude.
When everyday difficulties arise, talk aloud as you work through them. While getting dressed in the morning, you might say,

“I have a problem. I wanted to wear this shirt to work but it is still in the dirty laundry pile.  What do you think I should do? What else could I wear? I feel disappointed, but I know I can wear the shirt tomorrow once it’s clean.” 

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