Teaching Children Aged 3-5 About:

Conflict Management & Resolution

Click through the different topics below to learn the different ways you can help your 3-5 year old resolve conflicts!

Helping your child build empathy

Your preschooler knows that others may have different thoughts and feelings than they do.

But they are still learning about how one person’s actions and words affect others. Managing and reducing conflict begins with empathy, kindness, and respect. We want our children to get along well with others, but we also want them to understand what to do when relationships don’t run smoothly.

  • Create an atmosphere of respect and warmth in your own interactions with others. Use kind words with family members, and stay away from langauge that is harsh or judgmental.
  • Look for opportunities to show your child that their behavior affects others (for better and worse!).

When they share a beloved toy, comment on their kindness toward others.

  • If your child pushes their sibling, point out how upset they’ve made them.
  • Acknowledge when your child comforts a friend, emphasizing their ability to make others feel better with a kind word or hug.

Approach disagreements in ways that communicate respect. Cooperation enables children to work towards a solution together, strengthening relationships instead of tearing them down.

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